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Divine Mercy
Sacred Heart
Christ the King
The Eucharist
Our Lady
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Joseph Giansiracusa

January 23, 1946 — September 6, 2022

Co-Founder and Vice President of the Combined Societies of Mary

Had a peaceful and grace filled passing from this life during the Novena leading up to the Feast of Our Lady's Birthday/ Feast of Our Lady of Vailankanni

Much loved, he will be greatly  missed and fondly remembered.

Article from the Melbourne Archdiocese Website

A short clip from the 2022 Eucharistic Procession for Christ the King

A Two minute video clip of the recent Eucharistic Procession for the Feast of Christ the King

Saturday 24th November, 2018

St Patrick's Cathedral,

Melbourne, Australia

main celebrant:

Most Rev. Bishop Mark Edwards

A Grace Filled Afternoon of Prayer 

Let us Walk With Mary 

Who always leads us to Her Son

Sunday 23rd March, 2025

The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary has begun!

There are at last signs of great hope.  At Fatima Our Lady said, “In the End My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph!” Others have speculated that it is when everything seems to have been lost it is then that the triumph would take place.  This is indeed in line with history.  In the battle of Lepanto, or the Siege of Vienna, or at Chestochova, it was indeed the case that everything looked hopeless, and it was then that Our Lady came through so absolutely powerful.  Why does God wait till the last breath as in the examples above?  Is it not the case that it is as a result of the pride of man?  If the victory had come earlier through normal means would it not have stirred up nationalistic pride, or

Walk With Mary Poster 2025.jpg

Coming Events




Saturday 1st March

First Saturday

Mass and Devotions

10:30 AM 

Adoration, Prayers as requested by Our Lady of Fatima,  Holy Mass.


St Colman's Church

293 Carlisle St


Friday 7th March

First Friday 

Masses and Devotions

Novena to the Most

Sacred Heart of Jesus

7.00 pm

Adoration, Confessions,  Holy Mass.

St Joseph's Church

71 Orrong Road Elsternwick

certain people would take the credit?  By waiting till the last gasp, so to speak, it became abundantly clear that the victory was the work of God and not man, and that it happens through Our Lady. 

So it is that the Church has, it is fair to say, been in a state of crisis.  We, as a Church, has tried everything humanly speaking.  Once again it is as if God patiently awaits us to come to His Mother and She will be the avenue for renewal and rebirth. 

The signs of rebirth are there.  In Indonesia, Muslim sources estimate that close to 2 million are finding Christ each year.  In secular France,  baptisms of new converts is increasing by over 30% year in, year out.    There are similar good signs here in Australia.  This trickle may indeed soon become a mighty flood!  


So now is the time to take courage and to act, to be an instrument in the hands of Our Lady and be part of Her Victory; the victory of Almighty God.   In the past great things and enormous victories have come about when people have come in procession in honour of Our Lady. One of the first of many great victories came in 626, Constantinople was under siege. Sasanian, Avar and Slavic forces were attacking the city. This attack was just one of many in a war that had been going on since A.D. 602.

The siege ended when, one night, the Archbishop  of the city,  Patriarch Sergius led a litany of prayer to the Mother of God  and processed around the city an icon of the Mother of God — and just before the final assault, right after he had completed the service, a massive storm came and crushed the invading fleet on the Bosphorus. The victory was immediately credited to the Our Lady , and that night, the whole city spent the night in prayer in thanksgiving.

Today in Melbourne our city is under siege from the enemies of God.  On Sunday 23rd  March our Patriarch equivalent, Archbishop Peter Comensoli will lead us in Holy Mass and a street procession in honour of Our Lady.  Please come and be part of Her Victory.  It will be a beautiful opportunity to witness to your love of our Heavenly Mother, and we can be confident of receiving so many blessings.

How to Get There


By Car

St Patrick's Cathedral is situation on the edge of the Melbourne CBD, and is very close to Parliament Station.  

There is street parking and parking stations in the vicinity.

By Train

If you wish to come by train the nearest station is Parliament Station which is on the city loup  of the Melbourne metro rail network.

By Tram

If you wish to come by tram there are three trams that will bring you to within a couple of hundred meters of the Cathedral:  Trams 31, 109 and 112

The nearest stop to the entrance of the Cathedral is stop 10

If you discover that it is difficult for you please do not give up but make that part of your sacrifice Our Lady.  God  is  very  and will reward you a  hundredfold. 

Please do try and make the journey itself into a prayer making the whole afternoon  into a beautiful pilgrimage. 

Walk With Mary

Sunday 23rd March

2:00 PM

St Patrick's Cathedral

East Melbourne

Prayers, Holy Mass,

Street Procession

Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli


Friday 4th April

First Friday 

Masses and Devotions

Novena to the Most

Sacred Heart of Jesus

7.00 pm

Adoration, Confessions,  Holy Mass.

St Joseph's Church

71 Orrong Road Elsternwick

Saturday 5th April

First Saturday

Mass and Devotions

10.30 AM 

Adoration, Prayers as requested by Our Lady of Fatima,  Holy Mass.

Confessions Available

St Colman's Church

293 Carlisle St , Balaclava

© 2022 by Combined Societies of Mary

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