The Combined Societies of Mary
Let us enjoy together the Richness and the Beauty of God through Prayer

The Combined Societies of Mary
The primary aim of our society is to bring souls to God, and this means trying to encourage souls to lead good and virtuous lives, and pray to God.
Oh, if only souls realised how miserable the things of this world are compared to the love and goodness of God, how only God can satisfy our souls, how only God can give our souls peace. Once a soul experiences the love of God, it understands that God is beauty beyond compare, a source of life and grace that gently lifts us up out of our misery and gives us more joy than we can ever imagine.
Prayer is so important. It is our speaking with God and our unity with God. A prayerfulness will lift all our actions to God, and see that our everyday activities gain a super natural dimension.
Personal prayer is wonderful and we especially encourage devotion to Our Lady and the Rosary, to trusting in God and the Divine Mercy Chaplet and above all to the regular reception of the Sacraments, in particular Holy Mass and Confession.
As wonderful, and as important is personal prayer. There is something more powerful and that is when people come together to worship and adore God.
The Combined Societies of Mary are a lay organisation formed in 1987 to promote devotion to our Blessed Lady who is the most direct path to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
The Combined Societies of Mary is a non - profit society, that is operated solely by those persons who generously give of their time and energy to encourage people in their growth in the love of God and neighbour, especially through the organisation of days of prayer. Devotion means to give oneself over to the care and protection of Mary and Jesus, and is based on a deep trust and lively confidence in the power of God, through whom all things are possible.
It is prayer that is the answer to a troubled world: only through God’s intervention and God’s grace can true peace reign in the heart of humanity.
For this reason we have recently established our small shop with beautiful prayer books and other items, the proceeds of which go to assist the poor in India and the Indian mission.
We encourage yourself and others to join us in all of our days of adoration and prayer, to give praise, honour and thanksgiving to God, and to intercede for our troubled world. We also encourage volunteers to approach us and offer their services in this most important work.
All members of the Combined Societies of Mary are remembered in our prayers and Masses.
If you would like to become a member you may phone us on 03 95092207, or write to us at
The Combined Societies of Mary, P.O. Box 8114, Armadale, Victoria, 3143