The Combined Societies of Mary
Let us enjoy together the Richness and the Beauty of God through Prayer

Combined Societies of Mary Store
We are pleased to be able to offer a range of high quality items to assist people in their prayer life, in their journey to God. You may make your order by writing to us and enclosing a cheque or postal note. Please clearly state your name, address and telephone number in case we need to contact you about your order.
For any enquiries about the following items please phone 03 9509 2207
Cheques and money orders can be made to The Combined Societies of Mary
Address for sending your orders:
The Combined Societies of Mary
P.O. Box 8114
Victoria. 3143
Please allow 10 working days turn around for your orders.
You may like to make us of our order form which can be downloaded here:
Precious Prayer Book
By popular demand, the 3rd edition of "Precious Prayers is now available. Beautifuly illustrated thorughout, this one special prayer book has all the essential daily prayers, to h elp you in your growing closer to God. New stitch binding gives the book the durability needed for everyday use. It has been expanded to 64 pages. It is conveniently sized at about 17cm by 11.5cm (approximately 6.5 by 4.5 inches)
The book is designed to fulfil your essential everyday devotional prayers, with consecrations to Jesus and Mary, and prayers to God the Father, the Holy Spirit, St Michael and our Guardian Angel. It includes some important Divine Mercy prayers, prayers to the Infant Jesus and in honour of the Holy Face of Jesus. Prayers to Our Lady are particularly well represented.
On virtually every page spread there is a full colour illustration and on the facing page the respective prayer.
The book is unique and truely precious.
Many people in the past have ordered multiple copies for their family and their friends.
Great Value at $15 including postage
Special Prayer Book for Children and For Youth
A must for all Children and Youth. Written in a manner that is both appealing and uplifting, with the view of leading souls to know and love God and to develope a prayerful spirit.
This is a high quality production and features;
-Hard Cover Stitch Binding
-Full colour gloss photos
We have long felt the need of a prayer book which will bring young children to pray. It has something for everyone: from those who know nothing about God to those who are more advanced. In the first pages there is an introduction to God and to prayer. General and specific prayers follow. All the prayers are sound in doctrine and atractive in their tone.
As well as many wonderful prayers, the book also has a section of young saints to inspire our young to pursue God and a life of holiness.
It has been said that the book is most suitable for all ages.
A wonderful gift for all occasions.
$24 including postage
Saint John Paul II Rosaries
This is the normal wonderful five decade Rosary of the Blessed Virgin, however what makes this quality glass Rosary so special is that all the Our Father decade beads are holy medals dedicated to Pope John Paul II, this great and powerful Saint.
The main joiner medal also features Saint John Paul II, and Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception who was so dear to the heart of Pope John Paul.
Pope John Paul II was one of the most loved Holy Fathers of all time. He is Generally regarded as the main figure behind the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe. He was especially chosen by God for another very important mission and that was to fulfil the work entrusted to Saint Faustina, regarding the spreading of the Divine Mercy devotion.
Even whilst he was alive numerous miracles were attributed to this holy man of God. Be blessed with his intercession and be reminded of the power of God each time you pray with these beautiful glass beads.
Before posting each pair of beads will be touched to the first class relic of this great saint.
Price including postage, $30

Prayers of Healing and Comfort
for the Sick and the Dying
We have had the most exceptional testimonies from those who have purchased this book. In one case it was given to an atheist by a loved one, who, subsequently, hung on to it and prayed with it always in the last days of his life. In another case this book had such an impact on her nephew, that one particular lady purchased 20 of them to give to others in need! Another good lady regularly purchases multiple copies of this book to give to those who are sick and dying.
Beautifully Illustrated 40 Page Prayer book, with prayers of healing to God,asking for the intercession of Our Blessed Mother and His Saints. Included in this book is the famous miracle prayer and a special prayer that carries a plenary indulgence at the hour of death. Prayers of Healing and Comfort for the Sick and the Dying

This illustrated prayer book comes complete
with the following:
St Peregrine Relic Medal
The Miraculous Medal of Our Lady
The Brown Scapular of Our Lady*
Pray the Novena to Saint Peregrine,the patron saint for those with cancer.* Learn of the Healing Sacraments* Pray the beautiful prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes.
Great value for $20 including postage and handling.
Our Lady of Sorrows Rosaries
A Most Beautiful and Effective Devotion
St Bridget of Sweden (1307-1373), a noblewoman by birth, was one of the most influential and respected women of her time. She was a confident and guide of kings and popes. Regarding Her Seven Sorrows, Our Lady gave these 7 wonderful promises to St Bridget of Sweden.
"I will grant peace to their families."
"They will be enlightened about the divine Mysteries."
"I will console them in their pains and will accompany them in their work."
"I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not oppose the adorable will of my divine Son or the sanctification of their souls."
"I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives."
"I will visibly help them at the moment of their death-- they will see the face of their mother."
"I have obtained this grace from my divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and sorrows will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness, since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son will be their eternal consolation and joy."
These are included in a beautiful pamphlet that comes together with these quality glass beads made by religious sisters.
Just one example of the effectiveness of this devotion is seen in the fact that all seven founders of the Servite order, were dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, all gained great holiness, and are all now canonised saints.
These beautiful glass Rosaries with Seven Sorrows Medals
and beads come with a card that contains instructions, meditative pictures of each of the seven sorrows, a consecration prayer, and the Seven wonderful promises from Our Lady.
Made by Religious Sisters, Price including postage $30

Pieta Rosary
This Rosary is rather luxurious in its feel with its large beautiful crucifix and the wonderful joiner medal featuring the Pieta: Mother Mary holding in Her arms the body of Her dearly beloved son after He was taken down from the cross.
It has quality blue glass beads in honour of Mary.
Price $40 including Postage and Handling
Our Lady of Sorrows Medallion
Beautiful Rare and Large Medal, approx 2.5cm (1 inch)
Price $10 including Postage and Handling

The Chaplet of Saint Michael
St Michael is the Prince of the Heavenly Hosts of Angels. He was the first Heavenly being to appear to the visionaries of Fatima, to St Joan of Arc, and in many spectacular ways, God has shown to the world the great power of St Michael. The Combined Societies of Mary are pleased to be able to offer the special Chaplet with instructions so that you too can invoke the powerful protection of St Michael and the nine choirs of Angels as depicted by the differently coloured beads history of this Chaplet goes back to a devout Servant of God, Antonia d’Astonac, who had a vision of St. Michael. He told Antonia to honour him by nine salutations to the nine Choirs of Angels. St. Michael promised that whoever would practice this devotion in his honour would have, when approaching Holy Communion, an escort of nine angels chosen from each of the nine Choirs.
In addition, for those who would recite the Chaplet daily, he promised his continual assistance and that of all the holy angels during life.
These revelations and the Chaplet to Saint Michael were approved by Pope Pius IX in 1851.
Pray for St Michael’s and the Angelic Hosts powerful intercession and assistance.
Price is $30 including postage and handling
St Michael Medallion
This is a beautiful ornate French medallion from one of the most famous shrines to St Michael in the world: Mont St Michel. On more than one occasion St Michael showed his power: This tiny island proved invincible against the English forces even though England had seized all of the provinces for hundreds of kilomentres around. He is such a powerful Archangel: Prince of the heavenly hosts. Have this medallion blessed and enjoy His protection. It is of approximately 4 cm by 3 cm in size. It comes on Ribbon and with a prayer card to St Michael.
Price is $20 including postage and handling

Chaplet of Saint Philomena
Pray to Saint Philomena,
Whatever you ask from
her, she will obtain for you. (Pope Gregory XVI)
St Philomena is truly unique in the whole history of the Church. Her tomb was discovered in the 19th Century, the details of her life made known to holy visionaries, and her fame owes itself to the wonderful miracles that God performs at her bequest. She was canonised by Pope Gregory XVI in 1837, and she continues today with
innumerable miracles.
The Chaplet to St Philomena was created by the great St John Vianney, Cure of Ars, patron saint of the priesthood. Countless miracles occurred when St John Vianney recommended souls to his dear Saint Philomena. .
The thirteen beads commemorates the thirteen years of this saints short life. These beautiful glass beads come with prayer card instructions. The intercession of St. Philomena has been invoked in every sort of need,
such that she has become another patron of “hopeless” cases. She has been known to be especially powerful in cases involving the conversion of sinners and return to the Church. She is often invoked by expectant mothers, destitute mothers, and in cases of problems with children, help for the sick and for the aid of the Missions. But no matter has been too trivial or too unimportant to concern her.
Price including Postage and Handling: $30

Chaplet of The Most Blessed Sacrament
This very special chaplet was approved by Pope Pius X who granted an indulgence of 27 years for each time we pray this chaplet for the pour souls in purgatory.
A Spiritual Communion begins this special Chaplet.
On the medal, to begin the chaplet we say the prayer: “As I cannot now receive Thee, my Jesus, in Holy Communion, come spiritually into my heart, and make it Thine own forever.”
There are 33 Beads of love, One for each of the years Our Lord lived on the earth for love of us. On each of the beads the prayer that is printed on the reverse side of the medal is recited:
"Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, Have Mercy on Us."
These beautiful rosaries are made from red glass beads, and the strongest rosary wire available, and are handmade in Australia.They come together with a beautiful prayer card to help teach you the simple method of recitation. Do order one and obtain many graces of pardon for yourself or for your beloved deceased. Pray one each day for the poor souls in purgatory, who are in most need of our prayers.
Price $25 including postage and handling

Experience in Eternity
By Fanny Moisseieva
From Fanny Moisseieva’s comes one of the earliest recorded near death experiences (1928) , recorded in a balanced and down to earth manner, detailing her experience of
Heaven Hell and Purgatory
A 96 Page Book recording the fascinating experience of a soul after the death of the body.
Graces overflow from the sacraments, especially the Holy Eucharist. On the necessity of prayer and good works. On devotion to the Blessed Mother, and the saints.
A most edifying book that will surely increase our desire to do good works and to avoid evil.
The judgement and Mercy of God
Nihil Obstat 10th April, 2002 Imprimatur 10th May, 2002
Rev Msgn V.C. Abriol Vicar General,
Archdiocese of Manila
Archbishop David Cuiboff - Slevin -
“This profound and moving work will undoubtedly assure those who read it, of the truths and we hope this will accomplish the conversion of an inestimable number of souls. We must welcome the appearance of this work....”
Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna
(Sister of Emperor Tsar Nicolas I)
“I thank you very much, amiable Fanny dear, for sending me your extraordinary manuscript. My husband read it aloud to me and my children....We consider you to have been greatly favoured......”
Monsignor Adrian Brumen
“Your work will do much good for many souls, especially while society treats everything so lightly...God has given you the grace to preach in this way to an incredulous and indifferent generation, the sublime truths of our religion. I hope you will distribute this work far and wide.”
Price is $12 including postage and handling
Pardon Crucifix
at the Hour
of Death
POPE ST PIUS X: “Whoever at the moment of death, fortified with the Sacraments of the Church, or contrite of heart (when unable to receive the sacraments), will kiss this Crucifix and ask pardon to God for his sins, and pardon his neighbour, will gain a PLENARY INDULGENCE”.
It comes with an explanation leaflet
Price including postage and handling, $20