The Combined Societies of Mary
Let us enjoy together the Richness and the Beauty of God through Prayer


Joseph Giansiracusa
January 23, 1946 — September 6, 2022
Co-Founder and Vice President of the Combined Societies of Mary
Had a peaceful and grace filled passing from this life during the Novena leading up to the Feast of Our Lady's Birthday/ Feast of Our Lady of Vailankanni.
Much loved, he will be greatly missed and fondly remembered.
A 4 minute plus video of the procession during the
recent "Walk With Mary"
that took place on 7th April.
The "walk" had been preceded by Holy Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral with Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli and was and was followed by Evensong at St Paul's Cathedral with Bishop Lindsay Urwin.
Coming Events
Our Next Event
Our Lady of Miracles,
Our Lady of Vailankanni Novena and Feast
Vailankanni on the East Coast of India, South of Madras, is one of the most famous and popular Shrines in the world. Millions visit it every year, with more that 1.5million for the Novena and Feast.
It is so popular because under this special title people feel the motherly love and tenderness of Our Lady. She intercedes and answers the prayers of such a high percentage of those who invoke her. In India it seems that everyone knows someone who has had a major miracle that can be attributed to Her intercession. But it is not only in India that the graces are granted. In fact the Novena and Feast of Our Lady of Vailankanni has become one of the most grace filled events of the Combined Societies of Mary’s calendar.

Every year so many who attend report of the most wonderful favours having been granted to them through the praying of this Novena to Our Lady of Health Vailankanni.
The favours granted are too many to list but have included some of the following. The complete cure of cancer of a person near to the point of death, employment after seven years without a job, being selected for a job out of several hundred applicants, the cures from numerous illnesses and maladies, and the reconciliation with estranged family members. And why not? The Novena is conducted in a most solemn, prayerful manner in front of the Blessed Sacrament. The very Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, His Soul and Divinity present before us, waiting to answer the prayers we present in the presence of His Mother, and then there are the beautiful Holy Masses each evening as well.
How happy Our Lady and Our Lord Jesus must be to see so many people lovingly honouring them through this beautiful Novena. It is moving to see the faith confidence and love of those in attendance. Our Lady is our heavenly mother who carries in Her arms our Saviour and Our Redeemer. Could Our Lord refuse any request made by Her? Our Lady is so very powerful under this beautiful title of Our Lady of Health Vailankanni.
We could be excused for asking: “Can you afford not to be part of these wonderful celebrations, can you and your loved ones afford to miss out on such graces.”We anticipate that this year is going to be even more special with the relics of extraordinary Saints, including Saints of India on each of the Nine Nights. Nine Indian priests over nine nights will lead the Novena, saying Mass and giving their personal Vailankanni experiences.
Please especially mark the Feast day Sunday, 8th September 1:30 pm on your calendar as “not to be missed,” for a wonderful celebration, procession, and Mass and extraordinary favours. Come and let Our Lady bring healing into our lives.
Novena to Our Lady of Good Health Vailankanni
Tuesday 30th August to Wednesday 7th September Inclusive
7.00 pm each night
(Rosary 6:40pm)
8th September: Feast of Our Lady of Good Health Vailankanni and
Birthday of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
Adoration, Prayers, Benediction Holy Mass
Bishop Peter Elliott
Holy Cross Church
293 Glenhuntly Road
Saturday 2nd September
Mass and Devotions
10.30 AM
Adoration, Prayers as requested by Our Lady of Fatima, Holy Mass.
Confessions Available
St Colman's Church
293 Carlisle St , Balaclava
Getting There
Holy Cross Church is located at 707 Glenhuntly Road Caulfield South
By Tram:
Tram number 67 stop 50, Tram number 64 Stop 57
By Train:
Holy Cross Church is equidistant from Elsternwick Station (Sandringham Line) and Glenhuntly Station (Frankston Line).
Tram number 67 will take you from either station to the Church.
Elsternwick station - the tram 67 will be going towards Carnegie. Glenhuntly station - the tram will be going towards Melbourne University.
By Car:
Holy Cross Church is at 707 Glenhuntly Road very close to Hawthorn Road. There is a carpark at the rear which you enter via Murray Street, which runs off Hawthorn Road.

A Two minute video clip of the recent Eucharistic Procession for the Feast of Christ the King
Saturday 24th November, 2018
St Patrick's Cathedral,
Melbourne, Australia
main celebrant:
Most Rev. Bishop Mark Edwards
A Beautiful Afternoon
for Christ Our King
Friday 7th July
First Friday
Masses and Devotions
Novena to the Most
Sacred Heart of Jesus
7.00 PM
Adoration and Prayers in honour of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus followed by Holy Mass.
St Joseph's Church
71 Orrong Road