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Divine Mercy
Sacred Heart
Christ the King
The Eucharist
Our Lady


A 4 minute plus video of the procession during the 

recent "Walk With Mary"

that took place on 7th April.

The "walk" had been preceded by Holy Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral with Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli and was and was followed by Evensong at St Paul's Cathedral with Bishop Lindsay Urwin.

A Two minute video clip of the recent Eucharistic Procession for the Feast of Christ the King

Saturday 24th November, 2018

St Patrick's Cathedral,

Melbourne, Australia

main celebrant:

Most Rev. Bishop Mark Edwards

An Afternoon of Prayer in Honour of
God the Father , Father of All Mankind
A Beautiful Grace Filled Event is Greatly Anticipated  

How Blessed We Are

Jesus came to establish on earth the Kingdom of His Father, to do the will of the Father and make known the Father’s great love for us.  When asked how to pray Our Lord left us the Our Father.  Then there are so many parables and sayings that also point us towards our Heavenly Father.    In so many of Our Lord’s teachings Our Lord exhorts us to have a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father.  


In a series of wonderful revelations to Sr Eugenia, an Italian born religious sister, the Father Himself gives beautiful insights into the depths of His love.  He came because the world is missing out on experiencing His love and His goodness.   


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In His revelation to Mother Eugenia, He indicated that so many people remain unconverted, because the Father’s love was not adequately explained and lived.  He indicates that we Christian’s are the poorer when we do not deeply understand and experience His rich and tender mercy.  God the Father wants us to have a personal relationship with Him, to draw us all deeper into His love.

Mother Eugenia put into practice the lessons the Father gave her and what a difference it made.  She lived a live of profound peace and hope even in the midst of great trials.  Supported and inspired by the goodness of the Father she went on to do the most wonderful things;  She was elected head of her congregation even though she had only had a few years of education.    As head of the order she opened 70 religious houses in Africa, established a famous town for lepers and discovered a cure for Leprosy.   

The Church welcomed the message that came to us from the Father to Mother Eugenia.  Having been thoroughly investigated, after 10 years of examination, prayer and reflection her Bishop of Grenoble, France   blessed the Father for such a “touching manifestation of His love.”   Then, under the reign of the great Saint, Pope John Paul II, the Vatican itself gave its blessing to the message. 

So do come with your hearts full of love for Our Father and depart from this beautiful day of prayer with  huge graces and blessings.  God our Father specifically requested this day in  His honour on the First Sunday of August. 

We hold many days of prayer through the year but this day is certainly one of the most blessed. Beautiful Books with the messages of God the Father and images will be distributed for Free for all who attend.  

THIS YEAR ONLY: A beautiful free momento, a “Millenium Cross”, commemorating the 3rd Millenium, will be given to all who attend.  At 5cm tall it is a perfect size to be warn as a pendant, or added to your key chain or rosary.   

Do come on Sunday 4th August, delight Our Heavenly Father and receive so many graces and blessings. 





Getting There

St Joseph’s Church is at 71 Orrong  Road Elsternwick 

Public Transport

St Joseph’s Church  Elsternwick is conveniently located for public transport.  A short stroll from stop 46 on the Tram 60 Route, or catch the 220 Bus that runs from Sunshine - City - Gardenvale, and go to stop 80, which is right in front of St Joseph’s.



You may catch a train to either Elsterwick station or to Glenhuntly station and then the tram route 60 will take you to the corner of Orrong Road.(Tram 60)  From there it is a walk of not more than about 300 metres


St Joseph’s Church is close to both Nepean Highway and Dandenong Road. It is just a few minutes drive from either of these major highways.



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Joseph Giansiracusa

January 23, 1946 — September 6, 2022

Co-Founder and Vice President of the Combined Societies of Mary

Had a peaceful and grace filled passing from this life during the Novena leading up to the Feast of Our Lady's Birthday/ Feast of Our Lady of Vailankanni

Much loved, he will be greatly  missed and fondly remembered.

Article from the Melbourne Archdiocese Website

Coming Events




Friday 2nd August

First Friday 

Masses and Devotions

Novena to the Most

Sacred Heart of Jesus

7.00 PM

Adoration and Prayers in honour of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus followed by Holy Mass. 

St Joseph's Church

71 Orrong Road



Saturday 3rd August

First Saturday

Mass and Devotions

10.30 AM 

Adoration, Prayers as requested by Our Lady of Fatima,  Holy Mass.

Confessions Available

St Colman's Church

293 Carlisle St , Balaclava

Sunday 4th August

Afternoon in Honour of 

God The Father

1:30 PM Adoration, Prayers Time of God's Mercy, Holy Mass

St Joseph's Church

71 Orrong Road





Novena to Our Lady of Good Health Vailankanni




Friday  30th August to Saturday  7th September Inclusive   

7.00 pm each night

(Rosary 6:40pm) 


8th September:  Feast of Our Lady of Good Health Vailankanni and 

Birthday of the Blessed

Virgin Mary


Adoration, Prayers, Benediction Holy Mass

Bishop Peter Elliott

Holy Cross Church

293 Glenhuntly Road


A Beautiful Afternoon
for Christ Our King 

© 2022 by Combined Societies of Mary

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