The Combined Societies of Mary
Let us enjoy together the Richness and the Beauty of God through Prayer

Day 8 of the Novena To Our Lady of Good Health,
Opening Prayer
Oh! Our Lady of Health,
who is showering abundant favours on all who honour You,
obtain for us the grace to make this novena in a spirit of giving glory to Jesus Christ, Your Son.
Oh! Our Lady of Health, Our protection,
we are coming to You to express our deep gratitude and petition in person.
You who know our hearts,
graciously grant us the grace to grow in the love of God and neighbour and thus give You glory.
Let us honour You as our Mother and may we accept Christ as our Saviour.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Eigth Day
Hail, Holy Temple of God and seat of wisdom. The Ark of the Covenant was made of cedar and covered with gold. God has adorned You with all graces and immortality. Virgin Mother conceived without original sin, pray for us Your poor children that we may also assume our glorious body at the time of our resurrection. Make eternal light enlighten our darkened ways, so that we may wake up and reach safely our destination.
We are Your children, entrusted to Your motherly care by Your Divine Son, while He was on the Cross. Our dearest Mother, protect us, obtain for us all that we need for our soul, and preserve us all in good health. Amen.
Selected Prayer to Our Lady
Day 8 To Our Lady of Grace
Mary, Mother of divine grace, whom God has appointed as dispenser of His benefits, obtain for us and for all those whom we are praying for, Your choicest graces; to the just, obtain perseverance; to sinners, repentance and pardon, to the sorrowful, courage and confidence; to disturbed families, peace and concord; to the infirm, cure and health; to souls in purgatory, solace and deliverance, and ultimately, to each one of us, that particular grace we are now especially praying for, from Your goodness and power.
Lord Jesus, our Mediator with the Father who have willed Your Mother, the blessed Virgin Mary, to be our Mother also and mediatrix with You, grant us the favours and graces we are now asking You through her intercession.
O Mother of grace, be our teacher and teach the science of the saints; true humility, self denial, purity, silence and suffering, confidence, simplicity and above all, love and zeal.
Teach us especially to love and die in one uninterrupted act of pure and perfect love of God, and to be victims of His merciful love in our failings, weaknesses, pain and sorrows.
Teach us also to love You very much after God, and one day to be Your beloved children in our eternal home. Amen.
Novena to Our Lady of Health Vailankanni
Oh most Holy Virgin! You were chosen by the Most Adorable Trinity from all eternity to be the most pure Mother of Jesus. Permit me Your humble and devoted child, to remind You of the joy You received at the instance of the most sacred incarnation of our Divine Lord, and during the nine months You carried Him in Your chaste womb. I wish most sincerely that I could renew, or even increase that joy by the fervour of my prayers. Oh tender Mother of the afflicted! Grant me under my present necessities that special protection You have promised to those who devoutly commemorate this ineffable joy. Relying on the infinite mercies of Your Divine Son, trusting that those who ask should receive and penetrated with confidence in Your powerful prayers, I most humbly entreat You to intercede for me. I beg You to obtain for me the favours which I petition for in this novena, if it be the Holy will of God to grant them; and if not, to ask for me whatever graces I most stand in need of.
(Here specify Your requests)
I desire by this novena which I now offer in Your honour, to prove the lively confidence I have in Your intercession. Accept, it I beseech You, in honour of that supernatural love and joy, with which Your Immaculate Heart replenished during the abode of Your Divine Son in Your womb, in veneration of which, I offer You the sentiments of my heart.
(Repeat the Hail Mary nine times)
O Mother of God, accept these salutations in union with the respect and veneration with which the angel Gabriel first hailed You “full of grace” I wish most sincerely that they may become so many gems in the crown of Your glory, which will increase in brightness to the end of the world.
I beseech You, O comfortress of the afflicted, by the joy You received when the Word was made Flesh, to obtain for me the favours and graces which I have now implored through Your powerful intercession. For this end I offer You all the good works which have ever been performed in Your honour. I most humbly entreat You, for the love of the amiable heart of Jesus, with which Yours was ever so inflamed, to hear my humble prayers and obtain my requests. Amen.
Concluding Prayer
O Mary! Our Lady of Health, and Our Heavenly Queen, seated on Your throne of mercy
and compassion in Your Holy Shrine at Vailankanni, we praise and honour You to be our
refuge and our relief. Numberless are the sick, who, through You, have recovered health.
Relying on Your power and goodness we fly to You and implore Your intercession for
the healing of all our infirmities and to obtain for us perfect health of body and soul, that we
may better be able to serve You and Your Divine Son. At all times, You have been the help
and consolation of the infirm. You obtain for them health when it is conducive to their
salvation. You assist them at the time of their death. Help us then, O most amiable Mother
and obtain for us cure of all our sufferings, or patience to endure them in the spirit of
resignation agreeable to God’s Holy Will, so that all our trials and sufferings may help purify
our souls and help us to detach ourselves from all earthly ties. Amen
Please Click Here for Other Prayers you wish may to say as part of your Novena. These include the Litany of Our Lady and some beautiful Divine Mercy Prayers.