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Divine Mercy
Sacred Heart
Christ the King
The Eucharist
Our Lady
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Joseph Giansiracusa

January 23, 1946 — September 6, 2022

Co-Founder and Vice President of the Combined Societies of Mary

Had a peaceful and grace filled passing from this life during the Novena leading up to the Feast of Our Lady's Birthday/ Feast of Our Lady of Vailankanni

Much loved, he will be greatly  missed and fondly remembered.

Article from the Melbourne Archdiocese Website

A Grace Filled Afternoon of Prayer 

in honour of 

Our Lady of La Salette

Sunday 17th September

A Beautiful Afternoon
for Christ Our King 

Our Lady appeared at La Salette in 1846, just 16 years after Our Lady appeared at the Chapel of the Visitation, Rue du Bac, in Paris where she gave the world the Miraculous Medal. 

La Salette is in the stunningly beautiful French Alps.  It was there that Our Lady gave a message of such great importance for France and for the world.  She appeared to two young shepherds, who, up to this point, had not even known each other.  Divine Providence bought them together at the site where Our Lady appeared. 

It was on Saturday, September 19, 1846, that a “Beautiful Lady” appeared to two children, both from Corps, in France Alps: Maximin GIRAUD, eleven year old, and Mélanie CALVAT, almost fifteen, who were watching their herds 

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on the slope of Mont Planeau (alt. approx 6,000 ft.), not far from the village of La Salette. In a little hollow, the suddenly noticed a globe of fire - “as though the sun had fallen on the spot.” Within the dazzling light they gradually perceived a woman, seated, her elbows resting on her knees and her face buried in her hands. 

The Beautiful Lady rose, and said to the children in French: 

“Come closer, my children; don’t be afraid. I am here to tell you great news.” 


She took a few steps towards them. Maximin and Mélanie, reassured, ran down to her and stood very close to her. The Beautiful Lady wept all the time she spoke. She was tall, and everything abouther radiated light. She wore the typical garb of the women of the area: a long dress, and apron around her waist, a shawl crossed over her breast and tied behind her back, and a close-fitting bonnet. Along the hem of her shawl she wore a broad, flat chain, and from a smaller chain around her neck there hung a large crucifix. Under the arms of the cross there were, to the left of the figure of Christ, a hammer, and, to the right, pincers. The radiance of the entire apparition seemed to emanate from this crucifix, and shone like a brilliant crown upon the Beautiful Lady’s head. She wore garlands of roses on her head, around the edge of her shawl, and around her feet. The Beautiful Lady spoke to the two shepherds.

The times in which they were living were not unlike that of our own time.  Our Lady noted to them the few who were attending Church, the mocking of the sacred, the sins that were being committed.  She came with a message calling for individual and collective repentance. 

On September 19, 1851, after “a precise and rigorous investigation” of the event, the witnesses, the content of the message, and its repercussions, Philibert de Bruillard, Bishop of Grenoble, pronounced his judgment in a pastoral letter of instruction. He declared that “the apparition of the Blessed Virgin to two shepherds, September 19, 1846, on a mountain in the Alps, located in the parish of La Salette,....bears within itself all the characteristics of truth and that the faithful have grounds for believing it to be indubitable and certain.”


On this beautiful occasion we will be sharing with you some of the prophetic message that Our Lady delivered through this famous and greatly loved apparition.

Coming Events




Feast of Our Lady of La Salette

Sunday 17th September

1:30 PM

St Mary's Church

91 Manning Road

East Malvern 







Friday 6th  October

First Friday 

Masses and Devotions

Novena to the Most

Sacred Heart of Jesus

7.00 PM

Adoration and Prayers in honour of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus followed by Holy Mass. 

St Joseph's Church

71 Orrong Road



Saturday 7th October

First Saturday

Mass and Devotions

10.30 AM 

Adoration, Prayers as requested by Our Lady of Fatima,  Holy Mass.

Confessions Available

St Colman's Church

293 Carlisle St , Balaclava

Our Lady of The Holy Rosary 

Sunday 8th October

1:30 PM

St Mary's Church

91 Manning Road

East Malvern 

A Rosary Before the Official start commences at about 1:10 pm 


Getting There

St Mary's address is 91 Manning Road East Malvern
The proper title of the Church is St Mary of the Immaculate Conception

Public Transport

St Mary's Church  is conveniently located for public transport. 

It is a short walk from Tram 3 Stop 61.  This stop is on Waverley Road
Walk up Tennyson or Emo Rd, and the Church will be in front of you.  It is a five minute walk of  about 320 metres.
Two trains will get you close to the Church from where you can catch the 3 or 3a tram:  Caulfield Station or East Malvern Station.  East Malvern station is on the Glen Waverley line.

By Road:
St Mary's is close to the intersection of two well known roads:  Princess Highway and Bourke Road. 

There is a carpark which you may enter at the side of St Mary's.

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A Two minute video clip of the recent Eucharistic Procession for the Feast of Christ the King

Saturday 24th November, 2018

St Patrick's Cathedral,

Melbourne, Australia

main celebrant:

Most Rev. Bishop Mark Edwards

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